1. Calm is a superpower
This is my favourite
affirmation! Reminding me this affirmation all the time make it easier for me
to deal with people who constantly has a goal to push your buttons. Some people
think arguing and having the last word at any cost mean you smarter; in fact it
just shows that they are still at a level where they have to feed their ego and that they have not self-control. I am human with emotions so of course sometime; I
might still react angrily to situations but when I do that, I am not happy.
When I do not react, I am happy and satisfied, I feel strong.
Not giving toxic people the attention they craving, it's an art.
2. I am not a stereotype
The world love to paint black
women to be angry, disruptive and savage all because of a skin colour. So, when you do not fit this
stereotype, they'll try their best to only promote "the angry ones"
to keep the stereotype alive. I am black, I am French, I am
Malian by heritage, have dual French and British citizenship, speak 6 languages. I
am Model, Translator, Consultant and currently working on my Brand. I have an impeccable
hygiene and smell nice, still trying to put me in a box? Good luck with that! Sometime when people who do not know me, neither ever met me and yet feel "threaten" by
me, it is surely jealousy, right? or unconscious bias they have. I wish these
people healing.
3. Be YouYOU
YouYou is my nickname, so I used
it as a play on word to always be myself. Be You, YouYou! Honesty is an especially
important value to me. I am making clear to everyone I
know, that if you interested in comfortable lies rather than the truth, we will
never be friends. Most people do not like the truth, they lie because they
ashamed of who they are or what they done. No judgment but move on with your
life and forget about me.
Some people are uncomfortable with the truth, and I
am uncomfortable with liars.
4. Beautiful start with me
I like this affirmation,
powerful and especially helpful when I am having a difficult day. I'll stop
whatever I am doing, look at myself in the mirror and start saying several times
"beautiful start with me" with a big smile, and my mood & energy
become amazing. If anyone want to be confident and love themselves, saying
certain things whilst looking at yourself in front of the mirror do help, even if you
feel silly while doing it. I am someone who do not ever feel intimidating by
beautiful women, I can genuinely appreciate other women beauties, without
feeling competitive or envious.
5. Believe in you
The day I start believing in
myself is the day my life profoundly changes for the best. It is really
difficult for anyone to drag you down when you believe in yourself. Most people
are negative minded, miserable and hate seeing others happy. Many are honestly
so eager to kill your joy that "they" are now trying to make people
believe that positivity is toxic. 😂 If people do not believe in you, don't worry, believe in
yourself, and keep focus on your goal. You'll be pleasantly surprised what
6. Enjoy yourself
The way I see it, life is not
only about work. Living my life only to work would never be an option for me. I
know three people who were under thirty, are now dead. They were saving all
their money and never spend a penny. People think they will live forever, they
don't realise that they don't decide when the time comes. A good balance of work, travel, making memories with family & friends is a happy life.
7. Excited to be alive
Most of us simply need to be
remind everyday of how grateful we should be of being alive. We all have issues
whether you short, tall, black, white, brown, poor, rich, unattractive or
beautiful. All of us have issues. I come from a working-class background, I
could have easily thought, I don't know anyone I don't have money boohoo! Instead,
I choose to be positive and think I never want to use my beginnings as an
excuse to define my ending! Life is exciting. I have said that sentence a lot
"I am excited to be alive" and it is as if I send a message to my
brain because I feel excited and happy with great energy often. I have to
work extremely hard first until I can just focus on my Brand.
8. Grow from your past
We all have a past we are not
proud of because we did not handle a situation the right way or did things we regret.
All experiences were meant for a reason to help you become a better person. I
sometime think about things I've done because I can laugh
at it now, thinking how naive I was, why didn't I compute this or how did I not see that or why did I react like that or why did I trust that person. Well, it's all helpful for the healing process.
9. No success without struggle
I tried to post positive things
on social media because that mentally help me and if that can inspire others,
bonus. I personally would not follow anyone writing all the time about their life
misery on social media. If it is someone I know and consider as a friend, they should already know they can reach out to me privately and I'll be a good listener, help whenever I can. It does not mean that I don't struggle myself, I just find it
more helpful if I have a problem to talk with close ones face to face. I
understand why some people might like to see others suffering online so they can feel good and think I am not alone.
But for me it goes without saying that everybody struggles at some level and anyone saying otherwise is lying. I prefer to see positive success story, I
find it motivating. Many will say good news doesn't sell, bad news and gossip sell. OK, but not to me.
10. Embrace change
I am adventurous at heart, like
to travel and embrace challenge. At the beginning when I arrived in London from
France, I was constantly having to change accommodation because of short term tenancy
agreements or flatmates moving out, it was actually quite stressful. 2 months
here, 6 months there, 1 year here! But now that I think about it, it
was a good experience because I met so many people and also this experience
helps me to be able to adapt to situations, grow as a person and I don't fear uncertainty.
Whatever challenge is put in front of me I deal with it and see it as an
opportunity to progress or to learn new things. I see change as a positive thing;
I embrace it.
11. Go after your dreams
I have a passion, dreams and
this is what I am focus on. When you go after your dream you surround yourself
with like minded positive people, you support each other and there is not time
for pettiness, jealousy, gossip. Choose wisely. I have encountered people in a
higher position than myself who asks me to collaborate, then what has been
happening is that not only they will not credit you, instead they take credit
for the work you done, and you might get a thank you if you lucky or they will
just ignore you. These fraudsters are not going to win for long, they will get
caught because it is not actually their story they are feeding to their audience,
they will not know what is next. So now I work in silence and for collaboration everything will have to be agreed in writing, before phone
Also there is a big difference between being inspired by someone and copying someone, if you are inspired by a person, you'll credit that person.

12. I am winner
I come from a long way despite
all the obstacles that some are putting in front of me, constantly.
I am so grateful to how far I
come, so far.
I do not compare myself to my
friends because we did not have the same beginning and privileges.
There is a lot of days I fail
but I am winner because I don't give up.
The more I fall the quicker I
stand up and tried again. Trampoline effect....
Vanity Afro 29/04/2021